Photography Contest & Exhibition

The Rice Study Abroad Photo Contest is organized around students' learning outcomes for study abroad. The exhibit aims to showcase photos that demonstrate an understanding of the country and integration into its culture beyond that which a casual traveler attains. This is your chance to visually share your study abroad journey with the Rice community.


  • #RiceOwlsAbroad - Photos that show your Rice Owl pride through wearing your Study Abroad T-shirt, Rice logo, or other demonstrations of school spirit while abroad
  • Postcard Perfect - Photos you think that are postcard quality and convey your unique study abroad experience. Photos might be of landmarks, landscapes, people, and nature
  • Culture and Tradition - Photos should provide a sense of the local culture, people, customs, and traditions
  • The Global Campus - Photos that show learning and academic experiences in an international context. For example, showcasing students in the classroom, during internship or research, and during course-related excursion
  • Everyday Life - Photos that illustrate a typical day abroad, like you daily commute, favorite study spot, local hangouts, etc. Share a “day-in-the-life” of a study abroad student.

All photos must be culturally appropriate and sensitive.


The opening reception will be held in the Ley Student Center. The winning photos will continue to be on display for a month in the Ley Student Center in front of Rice Coffeehouse and highlighted on our website and in campus publications. All winners will receive a framed print of their photograph.